Thursday, December 4, 2008

random update.

all of these pictures uploaded backwards. i'm not too excited about that, but it'll have to do. these are just some random pictures from the past week or two that i thought you all might enjoy.

*josh getting in touch with his earth-nature.*

*the sweetest boots i've ever found, at a thrift store in Bangor, ME. they were a little too big. i was devastated.*

*these next two pictures might not interest you in the least, but they are my pride and joy. i did a semester-long business project where i had to come up with my own company... anyways, it was legit... and this was the store i was going to rent.*

*josh looked the best in this lovely wig.*

*this picture was taken only minutes after the tears of joy had dried from josh's wonderful surprise. i was in shock.*

*this, my dear family, is my smokin' hot business attire worn for my final business presentation. i got a 98.225% on the presentation. woohoo!!!*

alright, i guess that's it. i didn't take many pictures in Maine because josh and amanda had such cool cameras that mine paled in comparison. i'll post again soon hopefully... with birthday pics possibly :)

<3 jecca


Amanda said...

don't forget the hole in the rain boots! holes in rain boots are no bueno.

Anita said...

Jessica - you look hot!!!

trresa said...

Jessica, great outfit!! I'm so happy to see more pics from the trip. I'm lovin the poncho. And I know your business would be a success. See you soon!!!!!!