Monday, June 30, 2008

No Good Words Will Suffice

I had to share with everyone. Here goes...

I had a dream last night that seemed like it went on forever, but it was very quick. I was in Mammaw and Granddaddy's house. I walked in the front door, and I rounded the corner through the doorway of the kitchen to find Mammaw sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper. I was startled, because in my dream I knew Mammaw was in Heaven. Mammaw sat her paper down and said, "Hi Love! I just wanted you to know that I'm still here, even though you don't think I am. I still am." Next thing I know, I see her in the den and Granddaddy is sitting in the den. She had her hand on Granddaddy's hand and she sat and watched him as he glanced at the TV. "I love you" she said to Granddaddy. Then I saw her in the kitchen again washing dishes. She looked at me and simply said, "I'll visit you in your dreams sometimes. I love you. And oh, before I forget, tell Anita my hair grew back." And with that I woke up. I walked down the hallway, wrote everything down, and not too long after that I had to get up for work.

Apparently, Mammaw was very concerned about telling Anita that yes, indeed her hair had grown back.. :) It was a very nice dream, a pleasant surprise. I hadn't dreamt about Mammaw in quite sometime, and I just couldn't keep that one to myself. Had to share.



Jecca Andrew said...

your dream made me cry. i can hear memaw say all of those things. after she passed, she was in at least one of my dreams EVERY night for about 2 months and then they stopped. i think that was God's way of helping me adjust to life without her. thanks for sharing. i love Memaw and i love you. talk to you soon.

Anita said...

Oh Tina, you made me cry too:) I'm just like Jess - I could hear her talking as I read your description. It wasn't until I saw it that I remembered her calling the grandkids "love". (At least I think it was primarily y'all that she called that.) That's kinda funny about the hair thing. I bet it is longer and thicker than ever:) I'm so glad you had the dream and thanks so much for telling us about it. Sorry I missed your call tonight. I was out and about and my cell phone battery is shot. We'll talk tomorrow. I love you and miss you too. Can we all hang out sometime soon????

The Craziness that is My Life said...

we can definately hang out soon. lets find a time!

i loved that dream. it made me laugh. it was a nice change of pace.

The Craziness that is My Life said...

lets set up a time very soon to hang out. I miss you so much. :D

The Craziness that is My Life said...

whoops, i put that on there twice... lol

trresa said...

Thanks Christina, I could hear Mom talking too as I read your dream...that's why I couldn't comment last night. It's so easy to be in my own head and missing Mom it's comforting to hear from you guys and know what you're going through. I know we all miss her. I think that God knows when my heart just can't stand it anymore and He gives me precious moments of time during a dream when I can actually feel like I'm touching her and talking with her and that we're together again. I'm glad that He's giving those times to you too. And I thank God that we will be with her again!!! I'm not preaching here, I'm just really thankful.

trresa said...

FYI: Jess isn't working on Saturday :)

Jecca Andrew said...

tini! i definitely don't work on saturday so we should hang out with the family! or at least the girls in the family :) let me know if/when you're free on saturday. love you!
p.s.- i'll let anita and mom know too :)