Tuesday, September 9, 2008

and now for something really different...

hi, guys!

i only have a minute before i have to hit the road again, but i wanted to tell you that i'm now taking a t'ai chi class in bangor. i learned a little bit of the t'ai chi form in my summer meditation/gardening class, and though i thought it was hokey at the beginning, i really like the relaxing properties.

so, the next time you see me in a park, i might be doing some t'ai chi with some elderly friends in linen pants. :)


Jecca Andrew said...

heck yes!!!
i'm very excited for you.
i could use some relaxing properties of t'ai chi myself right now...

trresa said...

Me too! I wish I was close enough to drive by that park :/

Anita said...

I love it Manda!! That is excellent! We can now have our own family classes and replace our water aerobics with tai chi!