Saturday, March 29, 2008


i made the hottest cupcakes today and I thought you kids should see them.

they are dark chocolate fudge cupcakes with icing that has the slightest hint of mint. and as you can see, they are gorgeous.

i'm taking them to a dinner party tonight. i know i have the presentation points, but i'm worried the do-it-myself icing will remind the others of toothpaste. we'll see!



trresa said...

Beautiful cupcakes Amanda!!

Jecca Andrew said...

mamby!!! they are beautiful.
i'm salivating :)

Amanda said...

update: the cupcakes went over really well. everyone loved them and i'm totally going to pipe all icing from now on. it's just too much fun.

Anita said...

Is that icing as the filling? If so, I'm REALLY loving that!

Amanda said...

totally icing as the filling and the playful dollup on top.

i <3 icing to cake ratios. so much.