Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Palin/Biden Cupcakes!

A friend came over tonight to make cupcakes for the Vice Presidential debate tomorrow night at 9pm. This debate is sure to be one for the records, so we decided the cupcakes should be as well.

The plan was to replicate the tie-dye cupcakes, but in the bipartisan red, white, and blue. The red and blue cakes are slightly white grape raspberry flavored.

And now for the cross-section and process shot.

What do you think? Do they scream "POLITICS!" or what? :)

Also, while I'm on the cupcake topic, how cute is this 1-800-FLOWERS flower arrangement?


trresa said...

Another great creation Amanda and yes the flower arrangement is very cute! Have fun watching the debates, I'm going to try to catch up on fun stuff!

trresa said...

Hey, does our blog look different?

Anita said...

I'll tell you what those cupcakes scream to me...EAT ME!!! They look yummy! And may I say, I really enjoy how the sprinkles are around the outer circle. Sprinkles typically are so chaotic in nature - yours were not. Very nice. I like how your friend's wife has now become your friend:)

Jecca Andrew said...

amazing. as usual.
love you, mambi.

Amanda said...

haha...yes, the blog looks different. but only slightly. the orange reminded me of blaze orange, and that reminded me of hunting, and that reminded me of my students. so...yes, it changed. :)

trresa said...

You're funny Amanda! Also, I checked, they do not offer the cupcake flowers in your zip code :(
You'll have to move a little bit away from the end of the earth to get those.