Saturday, September 1, 2007

of desks and things...

good day, all!

i'm posting today to tell you that i began to decorate my bit of the office yesterday. i took a few things on campus and spruced up my humble corner a bit. you literary eggheads will recognize the above as one of kafka's sketches. i include this because i lovingly describe my desk as kafka-esque. it is small, insurance company, drawer won't open without a fight, main door to office swings open and slams into it causing my books to slide across the top, kafka in every way desk. order to keep myself from getting horribly depressed at the sight of it, i brought in bjork, a few pictures, some knick knacks and several books. it's getting better... most of you are actually represented somewhere on the wall. dad and anita, i think you are the only ones not there, strangely. not true...i have a picture of dad circa 1985, which, really, is quite flattering. so send me pictures! i also have a postcard or two up there, so really send me anything you think i'll like and it very well might make the wall. that is one good thing about my desk area: i have the corner all to myself.

anyway, i think i have the really odd artwork down. it's important to make the students at turns nervous and curious. that's really a must.

1 comment:

Jecca Andrew said...

i'll have to get your address so i can send you things :)