Wednesday, October 3, 2007

what does this mean??

I am heading up the scavenger hunt for the entire youth group tonight and there has been alot of time planning and organizing it over the past week. Naturally, I dreamt about it last night however there was a twist pretty early on in the dream. It went like this.....

I got to church early to do some last minute little things. There were a few other people there too. So we're talking and I'm working and I ended up in the back of the youth house - of course by now everything is not looking exactly how it really is - when in walks Keifer Sutherland. So yea I'm surprised but he starts just talking to me like we know each other. Come to find out way back in the day we did. In fact we may even be related! The connection is Kentucky and we talk laugh interact - no big deal. So then all the sudden Tom Cruise joins to group. We continue talking and even reminiscing (sp?) - very weird at this point - and of course we tell them about the scavenger hunt and they want to go. I don't know why but I guess we still had plenty of time before everyone would be there so we - me, Keifer, Tom and several others - head out back to the camper. So we hang and talk just like everything's normal. And then I fall asleep. I think we all fell asleep. All the sudden I woke up and realized it was after 7:30!! So we ran out and saw that everyone had arrived for youth group but they were just milling around with no concern. I was thinking there is just no way we still have time for the scavenger hunt but I kept saying Kiefer Sutherland and Tom Cruise are here. Meanwhile, I hear music playing in the youth house and then I'm told it's Josh's group playing. Right around there is when the dream ended. Bizarre. No late eating. No Entertainment Tonight or anything similar. Definitely bizarre. Any ideas?


Amanda said...

freud would say you three weren't sleeping.

Anita said...
