Wednesday, April 23, 2008

11th Reason why Today Can't be So Bad

I GOT THE JOB!!!!! Wanda from Tidewater Eye Care called me a few minutes ago and let me know that I got the position as Dr. Pavalock's medical assistant. I start on Friday at 8AM. Little early for me normally, but I will soon adjust. Yay! I got it! And I just look so cute in scrubs! :) That's an added plus!

Love you all,


trresa said...


Let's all join together in song:

"I can see clearly now-that Christina has job with an eye dr-it's gonna be a bright bright bright sun shiny daaay"

The words may not be exactly right but we all get it! Have fun Christina :)

Amanda said... the song, mom. :)

congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!

scrubs are pretty nice, i'm not going to lie. they are like instantly putting on authority and respectability. and, if ever someone chokes on something in a restaurant, you can dash over and pass them an optometry tool! :)

it will be nice to work in an office with your best friend!

congrats again! and once more :)

Jecca Andrew said...

congrats tini!

Anita said...

I almost hear the hallelujah chorus in the background...Congrats Tina!!!!! Authority and respectability...very true. Enjoy and love you!!!